Sunrise Stories: Meet Laura, Mitch + Jessica
Your support creates safe spaces at Sunrise.
Hundreds of individuals are taking meaningful steps toward wellness and housing, thanks to you!
Fleeing a dangerous living situation, Laura found her way to the Sunrise Hub. With guidance from a Sunrise Assessor, she connected to essential resources and secured housing in just four days. Her journey from homelessness to hope began with a safe space—and someone to walk alongside her.
After years of experiencing homelessness, Mitch joined the Sunrise Housing Program. With help from his Sunrise Case Manager, he obtained his birth certificate, Social Security card, and his first valid ID in 12 years. These steps unlocked new possibilities for wellness and housing—and restored his sense of self-worth.
Jessica had been pulled for housing, but finding her was a challenge. The Sunrise Mobile outreach team located her in an encampment, connected her to her case manager, and with their support, she moved into her new home—complete with move-in essentials to help her settle in.
This holiday season, make a difference in stories like Laura’s, Mitch’s, and Jessica’s.
Together we can create more moments of connection, dignity, and opportunity for individuals in need.