Get Help Now
Whether you're experiencing homelessness yourself or helping someone who is, Sunrise is the starting point for more people experiencing homelessness in Austin than anywhere else! Home starts here.

Call the Hotline
Call or text the Sunrise Hotline for housing navigation and resources over the phone if you are experiencing homelessness in the Austin metro area.
Visit The Hub
The Sunrise Hub day center located at 4430 Menchaca Rd, Austin, TX 78745 provides services whole-person care for the whole-person trauma of homelessness.
Monday through Friday - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. Our lines start forming at 8:00 am and services begin at 9:00 am.
Services Offered Every Weekday
Device Charging Storage **New**
Cold Weather Gear (winter)
Coordinated Housing Assessments
Device Charging
Food Stamp Signups
Housing Check-Ins
ID Printing for HMIS
Mail (512-522-8077 Text Mail Line)
Medication Storage
Pet Food
Public Phone
Showers (9:00 am – 11:00 am)
Services Offered Select Weekdays
Clothing Closet with Thrift-Ish Non-Profit (one Monday per month)
Community First Village Virtual Tours plus Application Help with Mobile Loaves & Fishes and Sunrise (1st & 3rd Wednesdays)
Food Stamp Case Management with Central Texas Foodbank (usually Fridays)
HIV/STD Testing with AIDS Health Foundation (usually Tuesdays)
MAP Signups with CommUnity Care (usually Tuesday, Thursdays)
Mental Healthcare Intakes with Integral Care (usually Tuesdays)
Mental Healthcare Navigation with Integral Care (usually Tuesdays, Thursdays)
Mobile Laundry with Mission Accomplished (usually Mondays)
Healthcare Clinic plus Navigation with CommUnity Care (usually Thursdays)
Recovery Lounge (detox, rehab, sober living, etc) with Communities for Recovery and Bluebonnet Health Services (usually Wednesdays)
Place an Outreach Request
To assist people experiencing homelessness in Austin-Travis County with Sunrise services, please fill out an Outreach Request Form to dispatch a Mobile outreach team to the area.
sunrise services flyer
Download our full list of services to share with your friend, family, or organization. Empower people at risk of or currently experiencing homelessness.
Welcome to all
Sunrise does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation. To support our whole-person solutions to the whole-person trauma of being unsheltered, we provide Language Access Services tailored to a person’s language preference, regardless of their level of English proficiency.
Sunrise no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, edad, discapacidad, sexo, identidad de género u orientación sexual. Para respaldar nuestras soluciones integrales para el trauma integral de la persona de estar sin protección, brindamos servicios de acceso lingüístico adaptados a la preferencia de idioma de una persona, independientemente de su nivel de dominio del inglés.