Sunrise is Empowering people experiencing homelessness

Leading the Way in Homeless Services in Travis County.

Since 2015, Sunrise Homeless Navigation Center is the largest provider of homeless services in Travis County! We offer pathways to housing for people experiencing homelessness through low-barrier access to wraparound services by providing innovative, trauma-informed, and person-centered programming that engages our communities and leads system-wide transformation.

Our 2024 impact

  • 416

    Encampments Engaged

  • 1,246

    Clients Housed

  • 19,878

    Clients Served

  • 44,419

    Calls to the Hotline

  • 97,166

    Meals Served

Donate To Sunrise

Be a source of hope, encouragement, and light as we envision a community where people experiencing homelessness have innovative, whole-person solutions to address the whole-person trauma of being unsheltered.

 Sunrise Newsroom